Friday 10 January 2014

Power Planning

Let , Power = 100mW   Voltage = 1v
Recall the formula
P= VI  => I = P/V
= 100/1
= 100mA
Since we assume that there are four pads of Vdd and vss
Then each pad can take a 25 mA of current
Again we have the technology LEF file
In that for a particular metal (M8) the current carry strength will be given
For example M8 - 1µ width of wire - the current carrying strength is 10mA
Now for 2.5µ = 2.5mA
Spacing =25 µ
If the core width of floorplan is 1mm
No of vertical straps =core width/ spacing
1mm/ 25 µ = 40 straps
Width of the each strap = width of the power ring / no of vertical straps
= 2.5/ 40 =0.625µ
Spacing =25 µ
If the core height of floorplan is 1mm
No of horizontal straps =core height / spacing
1mm/ 25 µ = 40 straps
Width of the each strap =height of the power ring / no of horizontal straps
= 2.5/ 40 =0.625µ


  1. Could you please explain me how do you get spacing = 25 microns?
