Friday 10 January 2014


What are Library file in ASIC design ?

- Every foundry own their gate and have specification according to technology and by using that library designer can build designs

- A file that contain list of such gates and cells by using that our design which is in the form of verilog code ( which is in the written in the behavioral model)  can be represent into the structural form called Library

Using this library you are converting your design which is in the code form into the physically implemented form  that is into the cells and gates

Same design code can be implement into the various technology node
Example : we have design of MUX, that can be implement into the various way such as different performance, power and area by just changing the technology library file with different node like 130 nm, 90 nm, 45 nm, 16 nm etc

Here Cells are the library representations of gates. we can use a cell from a library to create a gate in your design.
One such file that is used by synthesis tool, is called the technology library
which have, - different views (logical , physical) of the gates and cells are stored in the different files. and together, these views are called a technology library.

A library file consists of two sections,
1) Header and 2) Body

Header contain the following
  • General attributes
  • Documentation attributes
  • Unit attributes
  • Operating conditions
  • Threshold and default definitions
  • Templates
  • Voltage 
  • Wire load Definitions
Body contain following

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